
Shaun L McKay
September 29, 2020

Shaun L McKay Speaks on The Pivot to e-Learning: How COVID-19 Forced Higher Education to Teach in the Cloud

Shaun L McKay Discusses the Pivot to e-Learning and how Higher Education has Adapted in Response to COVID-19  While universities have progressed into e-learning over the past two decades, many, including Santa Clara University, had not offered an online course until the COVID-19 pandemic caused an emergency need to host classes. While universities only began […]

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Shaun McKay
September 15, 2020

Shaun McKay Named to Serve on Two Major Committees

 Dr. Shaun McKay is an esteemed member of the higher education industry. So much so that he was named under two major committees during his time as President of Suffolk County Community College. Shaun McKay recently discussed the two committees and what it means to be a part of them. Dr. Shaun McKay was first […]

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